Sunday, April 24, 2016
Canned Food Drive/ Dress Down Days
Every semester we hold a canned food drive for a local ministry. This semester we have coordinated with United Ministries of Clinton to donate to those in need in our community. This is for a great cause and our efforts in the past have truly made a difference. If you would like to participate please consider the following:
This week: (4/25 - 4/29) boxes will be placed in the front of room 104 for P2s and P3s to donate and dress down for their exam week.
Next Week: (5/2 - 5/6) Boxes will be placed in the front of room 271 for the P1s to donate and dress down for their exam week.
We ask that you donate 2 cans per day if you would like to dress down. All of your donations may be brought in at once. Make sure you log your donations on the sign in sheet at the front of the room. Be mindful of our dress down policies and that appropriate attire is required during lab sessions. We appreciate any participation and would like to thank all of the students involved in this effort!
P1s keep in mind that evaluations are still open and there is an opportunity for you to dress down part of this week in addition to next week!
Our next chapter meeting is on Monday, April 25th, at 12pm in Room 141.We will be playing pharmacy/ bible jeopardy! See you there!
There will be no bible study this Wednesday.
Submit any prayer requests to the link below;
Verse of the Week
“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight” -Proverbs 3:6
Thank you!
ACCP Involvement
Attention student pharmacists: Would you like to become more involved with ACCP?
ACCP student members who want to develop leadership skills, expand opportunities for student pharmacists within the College, and introduce other students to the many facets of clinical pharmacy are encouraged to apply for appointment to the ACCP National Student Network Advisory Committee.
The ACCP National Student Network Advisory Committee is composed of student members appointed each year by the ACCP president. Members generally serve a 1-year term, and the committee typically has 8–12 members.
Leadership positions appointed by the ACCP president include the chair (1-year term), the vice chair (2-year term; serves first year as the vice chair and then assumes the chair position during the second year), and the secretary (1-year term).
If you are a student interested in serving on the ACCP National Student Network Advisory Committee, either as a member-at-large or in a leadership role, please visit stunet/advisoryCommittee.aspx for more information about the committee and how to apply. The deadline for applications is June 17, 2016.
All investigators in the field of clinical pharmacy and clinical pharmacology, ACCP members and nonmembers alike, are invited to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation at the 2016 Annual Meeting in Hollywood, Florida.
Abstracts may be submitted in one of the following categories:
Original Research: Abstracts must summarize quantitative or qualitative findings from completed research. Basic, clinical, translational, dissemination/implementation, and educational research are examples of acceptable research. Topics should appeal to a clinical pharmacy audience and may include research in drug metabolism, education/pedagogy, health services, medication safety, patient/population outcomes, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacogenomics, pharmacology, or pharmacotherapy. Abstracts reporting in vitro or animal research are welcome. Original research findings presented elsewhere, but important to clinical pharmacy, are encouraged as “Encore” submissions.
Clinical Pharmacy Forum: Abstracts must describe the development, delivery, justification, or documentation of new or innovative clinical pharmacy services. Abstracts that address components of the ACCP Standards of Practice for Clinical Pharmacists (see and/or describe efforts to develop, advance, or position clinical pharmacists to optimize patient care are encouraged. Abstracts may be descriptive and need not contain an evaluative component. Encore submissions are welcome.
Advances in International Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Education, or Training: Abstracts must describe the development, delivery, justification, or documentation of clinical pharmacy practice, education, or training outside the United States. Abstracts may be descriptive and need not contain an evaluative component.
Systematic Reviews/Meta-analyses: Abstracts must describe a systematic review adhering to the guidelines and definitions established by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA; http://www.prisma- and must include the 12 items published in the PRISMA for Abstracts checklist ( plosmedicine/article?id=10. 1371/journal.pmed.1001419).
Case Reports: Abstracts of case reports must update and expand therapeutic insights and possibilities or generate research hypotheses. Although narrative in nature, these abstracts must stress the “evidence” for the authors’ conclusions by describing the process followed to understand the findings and possible mechanisms involved in the patient’s case, detailing how the patient was evaluated and treated, and providing a specific description of the outcome.
Student, Resident, and Fellow Research-in-Progress: Submission guidelines are those of an Original Research abstract except that the research effort is ongoing at the time of abstract submission. The presenting author must be a student, resident, or fellow in training.
Submission Deadlines
The deadline to submit abstracts in all categories except Research-in-Progress is Wednesday, June 15, 2016, midnight (PDT). The deadline to submit abstracts in the Student, Resident, and Fellow Research-in-Progress category is Friday, July 15, 2016. All authors will be notified by e-mail of abstract acceptance by Monday, August 15, 2016. For more details about the Call for Abstracts, For questions, please contact Carla Scarborough, ACCP Project Manager – Professional Development, at (913) 492-3311, extension 119,
Self Care Bowl
This year's Self Care Bowl competition will be held on Friday, June 10 from 2:30-4:30 pm at the Sonesta Resort in Hilton Head, SC. Each pharmacy school in the state will compete with a team of 5 students in a jeopardy-like competition on all matters self care. The winning team will win $500 (usually split evenly amongst the team), as well as a trophy that would be displayed at the school. The competition is also accredited for continuing education for pharmacists and technicians so you'll have an audience to show off your self care skills. This year, myself and Dr. Ward will be coaching the winning team!
If you are interested in competing on the Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy team, please email Dr. Shealy ( by Tuesday 4/26. There are no prerequisites!
Walking Day Challenge
Great job everyone you have made it half-way! Just a reminder that the group that has the most
minutes walked gets a grand prize and there will also be gift card drawings from each of the separate
groups as well for those participants who have successfully completed the challenge!
Current totals for Week 2:
Employees: 4,714
P1: 4,558
P2: 1,813
P3: 4,003
For a total of 15,088 minutes!!! As of right now the Employees are winning the grand prize by a
margin of 156 minutes!
At the bottom you will find Week 3 tips to being healthy and great job to everyone!
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Professional Meeting Opportunity
From the desk of Kathryn Nash:
Attached is the flyer for the upcoming Regional Rally on April 25th at AnMed’s Women and Children’s hospital. I know this is a far distance for some, but if you are willing and able to attend or promote the event amongst your colleagues and peers our Membership Committee would appreciate it. Natasha is our speaker for the evening, and we’re anticipating a great program. Please reach out to your friends in the Anderson area and encourage them to come if possible.
Kathryn Nash, PharmD, BCPP
Evaluation Competition
Thank you for your thoughtful completion of instructor, course, preceptor and site evaluations last semester! The input that we receive from you from these evaluations is immensely important to us and guide program improvement. As a token of our appreciation for your efforts, we are providing you with an incentive for completing these evaluations for Spring 2016.
Here are the details:
· Beginning March 24th, the response rates for instructor, course, preceptor, and site evaluations will be tracked for each class (P1-P3). The completion rate information will then be provided to you on a weekly basis via PharmNews.· On April 22nd, the class who achieved the highest completion rate (of released evaluations) will be awarded a dress down week (the class must achieve at least an 85% completion rate to qualify). If the P3 class wins the competition, a dress down week will be awarded for April
25-29. If the P1 or P2 class wins the competition, a dress down week will be awarded May 2-6.
Exceptions to the dress down time period include:
· Laboratory course attendance. Appropriate lab attire is always required for laboratory courses.
The Office of Academic Affairs will provide casual stickers to the class that wins on the relevant days so that students allowed to dress down are easily identifiable. You’ll need to be sure to wear your sticker! Jeans and t-shirts are acceptable dress down attire. Workout clothing, lounge wear, and the like are not permitted.
As you are completing your evaluations, please keep these notes in mind:
o Do your best to make your comments count. You can do this by making them professional, objective, descriptive (by providing examples), and specific to the course or instructor you are evaluating. Keep comments impersonal, focusing on key overarching themes.
o Take care to note which evaluation you are completing and put course comments on course evaluations and instructor comments on instructor evaluations only. Be sure that you do not make professor specific comments on course evaluations.
o If you have no comments to add, please skip the comment box entirely. Please do not place N/A in the blank.
o When filling out evaluations, please think about the specific class criteria and expectations. Each course is different, please treat them as such.
o Read each question carefully. Be sure to answer exactly what is asked.
o Be sure your ratings and your comments match. If your evaluation is positive, but your comments are negative, it sends a mixed message. Be thoughtful, clear, concise, and accurate.
o Evaluations are not to be used to report violations to FERPA or TITLE IX concerns. Please be sure if you have such concerns, that you speak with Dr. Nancy Goodbar about appropriate channels for reporting.
Your feedback is completely anonymous. If you have any questions regarding completing evaluations, how evaluations are utilized for program improvement, and your role in the assessment process; please feel free to contact Ms. McCaslan, Director of Assessment and Academic Services at
Thank you sincerely for continuing to fulfill your responsibilities as students by completing these evaluations. Your efforts are very much appreciated!
Completion rates* as of 4/15/16:
P1: 64.2%
P2: 31.4%
P3: 12.3%
(*includes all instructor, course, preceptor, and site evaluations currently assigned)
Walking Day
Great job this week to everyone who participated in Walking! As of right now the total minutes stands as follows:
Employees: 5,534 minutes
P1: 5,684 minutes
P2: 1,655 minutes
P3: 2,683 minutes
For a grand total of 15,556 minutes!!!
Don’t forget to click the following link by Wednesday April 20th to be included for next
week. Please when entering your name in the form ensure that last name is first and
only submit one form per week! Thank you all!
Attached you will find Week 2 tips to being healthy and keep up the excellent work!
Walk for Wishes
Walk For Wishes®April 23, 2016 | April 30, 2016
Walk For Wishes is a family-friendly community walk that benefits Make-A-Wish South Carolina. Participants may walk individually, or form a team with friends, family, and colleagues while raising money to support Make-A-Wish's mission to grant the wishes of local children. Participants will celebrate their fundraising successes by walking arm in arm with wish children and families to celebrate the hope, strength, and joy that a child's one true wish creates.
This year we have three walks taking place across the state.
UPSTATE April 23, 2016, Travelers Rest
PIEDMONT April 30, 2016, Fort Mill
To choose a walk and register as an individual or team visit:
We hope you will join us at these events. With your support as a participant, donor or sponsor, we can grant more wishes for children in South Carolina with life-threatening medical conditions.
Join us for Bible study every Wednesday morning at 8:00 AM in Room 141. Breakfast is provided.
Submit any prayer requests to the link below;
Verse of the Week
'''For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"' –Jeremiah 29:11
Thank you!
SCPhA Convention-Student Scholarship
South Carolina Pharmacy Association Annual Convention--June 9-12, 2016 in Hilton Head, SC
Student Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships will be available. In order to receive a scholarship to attend Convention, you must fill out the scholarship application here. The deadline for submission is May 1, 2016. Scholarship recipients will be notified by May 10, 2016.
April 20th (Wednesday): Our last chapter meeting will be held in room 104 from 12-1PM. Zaxby's will be provided for lunch. Members must sign up for lunch via the link in the email sent out by Katie Anderson by 5 PM on April 18th . Officer inductions will take place during this meeting along with project chair updates.
April 21st (Thursday): The P1 ice cream party will be held for their victory in the penny wars during philanthropy week. The ice cream will be set up upstairs in the student cafe. Congrats and enjoy!If you have any questions, as always, feel free to contact me, Ryan Ridgeway ( Visit PC School of Pharmacy's APhA-ASP homepage for more information on upcoming events!
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Evaluation Competition
Thank you for your thoughtful completion of instructor, course, preceptor and site evaluations last semester! The input that we receive from you from these evaluations is immensely important to us and guide program improvement. As a token of our appreciation for your efforts, we are providing you with an incentive for completing these evaluations for Spring 2016.
Here are the details:
· Beginning March 24th, the response rates for instructor, course, preceptor, and site evaluations will be tracked for each class (P1-P3). The completion rate information will then be provided to you on a weekly basis via PharmNews.· On April 22nd, the class who achieved the highest completion rate (of released evaluations) will be awarded a dress down week (the class must achieve at least an 85% completion rate to qualify). If the P3 class wins the competition, a dress down week will be awarded for April
25-29. If the P1 or P2 class wins the competition, a dress down week will be awarded May 2-6.
Exceptions to the dress down time period include:
· Laboratory course attendance. Appropriate lab attire is always required for laboratory courses.
The Office of Academic Affairs will provide casual stickers to the class that wins on the relevant days so that students allowed to dress down are easily identifiable. You’ll need to be sure to wear your sticker! Jeans and t-shirts are acceptable dress down attire. Workout clothing, lounge wear, and the like are not permitted.
As you are completing your evaluations, please keep these notes in mind:
o Do your best to make your comments count. You can do this by making them professional, objective, descriptive (by providing examples), and specific to the course or instructor you are evaluating. Keep comments impersonal, focusing on key overarching themes.
o Take care to note which evaluation you are completing and put course comments on course evaluations and instructor comments on instructor evaluations only. Be sure that you do not make professor specific comments on course evaluations.
o If you have no comments to add, please skip the comment box entirely. Please do not place N/A in the blank.
o When filling out evaluations, please think about the specific class criteria and expectations. Each course is different, please treat them as such.
o Read each question carefully. Be sure to answer exactly what is asked.
o Be sure your ratings and your comments match. If your evaluation is positive, but your comments are negative, it sends a mixed message. Be thoughtful, clear, concise, and accurate.
o Evaluations are not to be used to report violations to FERPA or TITLE IX concerns. Please be sure if you have such concerns, that you speak with Dr. Nancy Goodbar about appropriate channels for reporting.
Your feedback is completely anonymous. If you have any questions regarding completing evaluations, how evaluations are utilized for program improvement, and your role in the assessment process; please feel free to contact Ms. McCaslan, Director of Assessment and Academic Services at
Thank you sincerely for continuing to fulfill your responsibilities as students by completing these evaluations. Your efforts are very much appreciated!
Completion rates* as of 4/8/16:
P1: 59.3%
P2: 17.6%
P3: 14.1%
(*includes all instructor, course, preceptor, and site evaluations currently assigned)
Thanks! Everyone who participated in the dress down day on Friday, 4/8/16. SNPhA appreciates the outstanding support showed towards Fairgrounds Senior Village in Laurens,S.C.
Welcome! New SNPhA Executive Board 2016-2017
- President- Nieka Jackson
- President-Elect- Becca Mahan
- Vice President- Jolly Kuriakose
- Treasurer- David Moore
- Secretary- Kara Wuenscher
- Vice-Secretary- Adia' Singleton
- Community Service Chair- Allyson Hollis
- Historian- Denise Allen
SNPhA will be having a Fundraising week starting tomorrow! The following items will be avaliable to purchase until Friday 4/15/16. (pictures attached to this email)
- 22' Travel Duffle Bags
- 24oz PC School of PharmacyTumblers w/Straw (PC Logo in Blue)
- Rx White Coat Pins
Don't forget Bible study, Wednesdays at 8:00 AM in room 141, breakfast is provided.
Submit any prayer requests to the link below;
John 1:16 (ESV)
Wednesday, April 20th: Our last chapter meeting will be held in room 104 from 12-1PM. Zaxby's will be provided for lunch. Officer inductions will take place during this meeting.
Thursday, April 21st: The P1 ice cream party will be held for their victory in the penny wars during philanthropy week. The ice cream will be set up upstairs in the student cafe. Congrats and enjoy!Visit PC School of Pharmacy's APhA-ASP homepage for more information on upcoming events!
SCPhA Convention-Student Scholarship
South Carolina Pharmacy Association Annual Convention--June 9-12, 2016 in Hilton Head, SC
Student Scholarships:A limited number of scholarships will be available. In order to receive a scholarship to attend Convention, you must fill out the scholarship application here. The deadline for submission is May 1, 2016. Scholarship recipients will be notified by May 10, 2016.
Make-A-Wish Trailblaze Challenge
Make-A-Wish South Carolina grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. Make-A-Wish South Carolina has never turned a qualified child away and granted 177 wishes last year, averaging 3 wishes a week. Make-A-Wish South Carolina is funded through private donations, individuals, companies, and special events. An upcoming event is the Trailblaze ChallengeUpstate, scheduled for May 6-8, 2016, on the Foothills Trail located in upstate SC and western NC. This endurance event offers participants the choice of a 28.3-mile or a 16.4-mile hike. For registration information, go to home/default.asp?ievent= 1151165&lis=1&kntae1151165= D6C924E4B0004A529BEE4B64334CF2 C7.
BUT if you're not up to hiking 28.3 or 16.4 miles at one time but still want to help a child with a life-threatening condition, please consider donating to one of the participants. Doug Hendrick (formerly of Steamer's Cafe) is Mrs. Carbonneau's son and he will be hiking for this cause. Doug's personal hike page is: At this site you can donate any amount of money and leave Doug some words of encouragement. Thank you for your consideration.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
RMH Volunteering
Thank you to everyone who baked cookies this past weekend at the Ronald McDonald House in Greenville!
Residency Showcase
Wednesday, April 13th (6-9 pm)Our annual Residency Q&A is one of our exciting events to provide information to those interested in completing a Residency. We will have a panel of pharmacists from many residency programs as well as current and past residents. Dinner will be provided for those who attend.
LAST DAY TO RSVP: Monday, April 4th. r/QBTDXLN
LAST DAY TO RSVP: Monday, April 4th.
April Meeting
Our next meeting will be April 18th, from 12-1 (room 104). More information will be provided later.
April Meeting
April 4th
from 12-1 PM in Room 144. This is our final meeting of the year and the first
meeting under our new executive officers. Lunch will not be provided, so pack a
lunch with you. We will be discussing the fall fundraiser (Pig Pickin’) as well
as ideas for the upcoming year.
It is extremely
important for everyone to attend this meeting, because it is the first one
under the new Executive Committee for the 2016-2017 year, and we have much to
discuss with you guys. Also, we will be
entering everyone present at the meeting into a drawing for a Dress-Down
Token!! You have to be at the meeting for its entirety in order to be
eligible for the drawing!
Join us for Bible study, Wednesdays at 8:00 AM in room 141, breakfast is provided.
Submit any prayer requests to the link below;
Verse of the week: Teach me to do your will for you are my God; may your good spirit lead me on level ground. (NIV)
April Dress Down Day
The dress down day for April will be on Friday, April 8th. Please bring $2 to donate towards supplies benefiting the Fairground Senior Village in Laurens.
Evaluation Competition
Thank you for your thoughtful completion of instructor, course, preceptor and site evaluations last semester! The input that we receive from you from these evaluations is immensely important to us and guide program improvement. As a token of our appreciation for your efforts, we are providing you with an incentive for completing these evaluations for Spring 2016.
Here are the details:
· Beginning March 24th, the response rates for instructor, course, preceptor, and site evaluations will be tracked for each class (P1-P3). The completion rate information will then be provided to you on a weekly basis via PharmNews.· On April 22nd, the class who achieved the highest completion rate (of released evaluations) will be awarded a dress down week (the class must achieve at least an 85% completion rate to qualify). If the P3 class wins the competition, a dress down week will be awarded for April
25-29. If the P1 or P2 class wins the competition, a dress down week will be awarded May 2-6.
Exceptions to the dress down time period include:
· Laboratory course attendance. Appropriate lab attire is always required for laboratory courses.
The Office of Academic Affairs will provide casual stickers to the class that wins on the relevant days so that students allowed to dress down are easily identifiable. You’ll need to be sure to wear your sticker! Jeans and t-shirts are acceptable dress down attire. Workout clothing, lounge wear, and the like are not permitted.
As you are completing your evaluations, please keep these notes in mind:
o Do your best to make your comments count. You can do this by making them professional, objective, descriptive (by providing examples), and specific to the course or instructor you are evaluating. Keep comments impersonal, focusing on key overarching themes.
o Take care to note which evaluation you are completing and put course comments on course evaluations and instructor comments on instructor evaluations only. Be sure that you do not make professor specific comments on course evaluations.
o If you have no comments to add, please skip the comment box entirely. Please do not place N/A in the blank.
o When filling out evaluations, please think about the specific class criteria and expectations. Each course is different, please treat them as such.
o Read each question carefully. Be sure to answer exactly what is asked.
o Be sure your ratings and your comments match. If your evaluation is positive, but your comments are negative, it sends a mixed message. Be thoughtful, clear, concise, and accurate.
o Evaluations are not to be used to report violations to FERPA or TITLE IX concerns. Please be sure if you have such concerns, that you speak with Dr. Nancy Goodbar about appropriate channels for reporting.
Your feedback is completely anonymous. If you have any questions regarding completing evaluations, how evaluations are utilized for program improvement, and your role in the assessment process; please feel free to contact Ms. McCaslan, Director of Assessment and Academic Services at
Thank you sincerely for continuing to fulfill your responsibilities as students by completing these evaluations. Your efforts are very much appreciated!
Completion rates* as of 4/1/16:
P1: 59.4%
P2: 24.9%
P3: 15.2%
(*includes all instructor, course, preceptor, and site evaluations currently assigned)
National Walking Day
April 6th kicks off National Walking Day and will
continue through the end of April. We are encouraging students and
faculty/staff to change out the dress shoes for sneakers and go walk at least
30 minutes five times a week (150 minutes per week). There will be a competition
between the P1, P2, P3 and Faculty/Staff groups with prizes for the winners.
More details to follow in an email so be on the lookout! If you are interested
in more information please contact Samantha Adams or Jackie Klenotiz
Sunday, March 27, 2016
RMH Cookie Baking
April 2nd: 10-12 at the Ronald McDonald House in Greenville
This is a fun way to be involved with our philanthropy, and hours are approved for community service. Sign Up:
Residency Showcase
Wednesday, April 13th (6-9 pm)
Our annual Residency Q&A is one of our exciting events to provide information to those interested in completing a Residency. We will have a panel of directors and pharmacists from many residency programs, current and past residents, as well as P4s who recently were matched. Dinner will be provided for those who attend. Please RSVP at the following link by Monday, April 4th.https://www.surveymonkey.
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